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Wednesday, 22 January 2014


This is not my usual angry rant about transit behavior. Just an observation. And an offer of 100 OCD points if you can spot what is wrong with this picture.

Friday, 10 January 2014

It's a win-win

Dear people who smoke and take transit,
As much as I love not only when you smoke in the line for the bus so I can't escape your second-hand death, but also when the bus is crowded and being pressed up against you is like having my face rubbed in a dirty ash tray ... How about you do us all a favor and give up the cigarettes? Maybe you'll save enough money to buy a car and get off transit, or maybe you'll just stop smelling like crap and less people will have the desire to vomit on you during your commute. Either way, everybody wins.

Two for the price of one?

It's my first day back on transit in the new year and I'm already peeved. Now the 145 was by no means full this morning, but there were certainly people who had to stand. So to the oblivious girl in the picture...Did you buy a ticket for your backpack? No. Then let's pretend for 15 minutes that you're not an ignorant self-centered jackhole and you put your backpack on your lap and stop taking up 2 seats!
Thanks so much and you have a happy new year.